El Choco Stick Cookies

Elmer 27 Februari 2025, Recipe
El Choco Stick Cookies

El Choco Stick Cookies are special cookies you can make for your Ramadan moment. The recipe is as follows:

Ingredient A : 

  • 150 gr Margarine
  • 100 g Bakerline Icing Sugar
  • 1 Egg yolk

Ingredient B : 

  • 200 g Medium protein flour
  • 40 g Milk powder

Ingredient C : 

  • Elmer Choco Stick Dark Regular/Half-Round

Instructions : 

  1. Mix and beat ingredient A until well fluffy.
  2. Add ingredient B little by little while stirring with a mixer/spatula until smooth
  3. Take enough dough, roll it out with a thickness of ± 5 mm, and cut into pieces the size of Elmer Choco Stick Dark Regular/Half Round
  4. Bake at 150°C for 15-20 minutes 
  5. Remove from the oven, and cool on a cooling rack. Once cooled, put into a container.