Baking Demo Elmer Chocolate At TYU CAKE TOOLS SHOP Cipinang

Elmer Chocolate Indonesia from PT Federal Food Internusa held a baking demo activity on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at Tyu Cake Tools Shop. The event was attended by 27 participants, dominated by women who in fact have a cake business and housewives who have a hobby of making chocolate processed products.
Figure 1. Participants pay attention to the product knowledge explanation
This baking demo was guided by Chef Deny from the Technical division of Elmer Chocolate and assisted by Chef Riyan, Raja and Brian. The products being demonstrated were Negredo Brownies Cookies, Bakpia Kukus, Bolen Banana Choco, and Rhapsody Pannacota. This event was lively from the beginning to the end of the event.
Participants seemed active during the event. This was indicated by the enthusiasm of the participants to ask questions regarding information on chocolate, the stages of cooking, and the products made at that time. This event was also filled with laughter between the participants and the Elmer Chocolate team. This baking demo was also filled with product tasting events and door prizes to add to the excitement.
Figure 2. Baking demo participants and Elmer's team