Recipe - Woven Chocolate Bread

Elmer 02 Mei 2024, Recipe
Recipe - Woven Chocolate Bread

Woven Bread is renowned for its visual uniqueness, resembling a woven artwork. To achieve this distinctiveness, Elmer Lovers need to possess skill and precision to produce a beautiful design. Here's an example of Elmer's Woven Chocolate Bread that can be tried at home.

Basic Bread Ingredients

Ingredients A

800g High-protein flour

200g Medium-protein flour

200g Granulated sugar

  60g Milk powder

  15g Instant yeast

    5g Bread improver

Ingredients B

2 Eggs

2 Egg yolks

100g Fresh cream (dairy)

350g Water (cold)

Ingredients C

160g Unsalted butter

  15g Salt

  1. Combine all ingredients from A into a mixer, then blend until evenly mixed.
  2. Add all ingredients from B into the mixture, blend until smooth, and knead the dough until it reaches 70% elasticity. Incorporate ingredients from C, knead until the dough is 100% elastic, then remove and let the dough rest for about 10 minutes.
  3. Divide and weigh the dough into portions of 40g and 50g respectively, then shape each portion according to the name of each bread. Arrange them sequentially on a baking tray pre-greased with Firlo Baking Pan Release Agent.
  4. Proof the dough at a temperature between 34 - 37 degrees Celsius for approximately 45 - 60 minutes.
  5. Top the dough and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes or until fully cooked.

Chocolate Filling Ingredients

250g Elmer Filling Paste Dark Tropical

100g Elmer Regular Dark Chocolate Chips

100g Almond slices

Glazing Ingredients

100g Bakerline Violetta Glaze Plain

  1. Weigh the dough into portions of 200g each, then round them. Roll out the dough, then spread Elmer Filling Paste Dark Tropical evenly over it, and sprinkle Elmer Regular Dark Chocolate Chips and almond slices.
  2. Roll up the dough, then cut it into 4 pieces. Place and arrange the dough in a baking pan measuring 10 x 10 x 20 T 5 cm, which has been greased with Firlo Baking Pan Release Agent.
  3. Proof the dough until it doubles in size. Bake the dough using a lower temperature of 190 degrees Celsius and an upper temperature of 160 degrees Celsius for about 25 minutes or until fully cooked.
  4. Once the dough is cooked, remove it from the pan. Brush the surface of the dough with Bakerline Violetta Glaze Plain.

Follow each step carefully and enjoy the result of Woven Chocolate Bread with your family.

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