Recipe Roti Gembong Red Velvet (Bread)

Let's try the Red Velvet Gembong Bread to celebrate the 78th Indonesian Independence Day! Gathering with family at this moment will feel even more special because there are delicious and soft dishes.
Material A
800 gr High protein flour
200 gr of Medium protein flour
200 gr Sugar
60 gr Milk powder
15 gr Instant yeast
6 gr Bread improver
Material B
100 gr Fresh cream dairy
400 gr Cold water
6 egg Yolks
Material C
170 gr Butter
12 gr Salt
Material D
20 gr Red velvet pasta
250 gr Elmer Dip Glaze Red Velvet
250 gr Goodrich Gorerro Crumbs Red Velvet
Material A
250 gr Cream cheese (room temperature)
35 gr Bakerline Icing Sugar
Material B
50 gr Custard cream
100 gr Elmer Filling Cheese Paste
25 gr Milk powder
25 gr Condensed sweet
200 gr Bakerline Custard Powder Vanilla
500 gr UHT liquid milk (cold)
How to make custard cream
1. Stir all the ingredients using a mixer or balloon whisk until well blended and thick.
How to make custard cheese filling
1. Stir ingredient A until well blended and creamy.
2. Add ingredient B and stir until well blended. Put it in the piping bag.
1. Mix ingredient A at low speed until well blended.
2. Add ingredient B and stir at low speed until it clots.
3. Increase the speed to high and stir until 3/4 times.
4. Additional ingredient C, stir until smooth.
5. Remove and rest the dough for 5 minutes.
6. Cut and weigh the dough weighing around 40 gr, then round it.
7. Roll out the dough, then place it on a 20 x 10 T 7 cm tin with a total content of @40 gr (5 pcs) each which has been greased with Firlo Oles Baking Sheet.
8. Proofing the dough for 35 - 45 minutes.
9. Bake in the oven with a top temperature of 160 degrees C and a bottom temperature of 200 degrees C for 15 - 20 minutes.
10. Cool and cut in half, then spread with custard cheese filling. Topped with grated cheddar cheese.
11. Spread the top of the bread with Elmer Dip Glaze Red Velvet evenly, then sprinkle the Goodrich Gorerro Crumb Red Velvet.
Good luck, Elmer Lovers!