Recipe - Raisin Chocolate Chip Bread

This is the perfect moment to whip up some Raisin Chocolate Chip Bread, a sweet loaf for the little one's school lunch. This bread promises to be a delectable and satisfying treat, especially considering the unique flavor, texture, and creative ingredient combinations inherent in Raisin Bread. Elmer aficionados can customize their loaf by adding raisins to taste, perhaps even throwing in some nuts and spices for an extra layer of uniqueness.
The recipe for Raisin Chocolate Chip Bread is a special offering from Elmer to bread enthusiasts everywhere.
Basic Bread Ingredients
Ingredients A
800g High-protein flour
200g Medium-protein flour
200g Granulated sugar
60g Milk powder
15g Instant yeast
5g Bread improver
Ingredients B
2 Eggs
2 Egg yolks
100g Fresh cream (dairy)
350g Water (cold)
Ingredients C
160g Unsalted butter
15g Salt
- Combine all ingredients from A into a mixer and blend until evenly mixed.
- Add all ingredients from B into the mixture, blend until combined, and knead the dough until it reaches 70% elasticity.
- Incorporate ingredients from C, kneading until the dough is 100% elastic. Remove from mixer and let the dough rest for about 10 minutes.
- Divide and weigh the dough into portions of 40g and 50g respectively, then shape each portion according to the desired type of bread. Arrange them sequentially on a baking tray pre-greased with Firlo Baking Pan Release Agent.
- Allow the dough to proof at a temperature between 34 - 37 degrees Celsius for approximately 45 - 60 minutes.
- Top the dough and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes or until golden brown and fully cooked.
Topping Ingredients - Custard
100g Bakerline Vanilla Custard Powder
250g UHT milk (cold)
Combine all ingredients in a bowl, then whisk or mix until thickened.
Topping Ingredients - Chips
50g Raisins
50g Elmer Regular Dark Chocolate Chips
Shaping and Finishing:
- Weigh the dough into portions of 20g, then roll out and elongate.
- Take 3 portions of dough, tightly secure them at the top, braid them, and seal the ends.
- Allow the dough to proof until doubled in size. Pipe the custard topping onto the surface of the dough in a striped pattern.
- Sprinkle the chip topping evenly over the dough. Bake the dough until fully cooked.
So, what are you waiting for? It's time to rebake!