Recipe - Pia Crispy

As we welcome the year 2025, Pia Crispy remains one of the relevant snacks!
Amid the evolving culinary landscape, Pia Crispy continues to capture the attention of many. Its crispy texture, diverse fillings, and delightful flavors provide culinary enthusiasts with a compelling reason to indulge in Pia Crispy repeatedly. Furthermore, this snack possesses a timeless appeal, evidenced by the proliferation of Pia Crispy outlets in various regions, particularly in Java and Bali. To inspire your signature Pia Crispy for 2025, Elmer Chocolate presents the following recipe.
Dough Ingredients
Ingredients A
500 gr Medium-Protein Flour
100 gr Granulated Sugar
30 gr Milk Powder
Ingredients B
200 gr Water
200 gr Butterblend West Land
- Mix Ingredients A until well combined, then add Ingredients B and knead until smooth.
- Set aside.
Lamination Ingredients
330 gr Medium-Protein Flour
180 gr Butterblend West Land
- Combine all ingredients using a spatula or your hands until a dough forms.
Filling Ingredients
Elmer Filling Paste (Dark/Cheese/Elmer Chocolate Stick)
Ripe bananas (pisang raja/barangan)
50 gr Elmer Mesis Dark
Finishing Instructions:
- Weigh out 15-20 g of filling ingredients and 15 g of dough, then place the filling onto the dough.
- Flatten and perform a single fold three times. Roll out until thin and square.
- Fill with bananas and Elmer Filling Paste Dark or Elmer Chocolate Stick Dark.
- Seal the edges of the dough, brushing with egg yolk.
- Sprinkle with Elmer Mesis Dark or grated cheese, then bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 25-30 minutes.
Although food trends continuously evolve, pia krispy remains a relevant snack idea for business in 2025. The above recipe can be tried at home, offering a dominant chocolate flavor characteristic of Elmer Chocolate. Happy cooking, Elmer Lovers!