Four Profit-Making Business Ideas in 2023

In the midst of unfavorable global economic conditions, the layoffs by several companies in Indonesia, and the uncertainty of the 2023 economic recession, there is hope for many business opportunities that can develop in Indonesia in 2023.
Who would have thought, 2023 is in sight and there are many resolutions that should be made real? For example, building a business that can generate Rupiah coffers so that the future is easier and happier. However, Elmer Lovers must know that opening a business is not as easy as writing it on the 2023 resolution list. There are capital and mentality that must be prepared, there are skills that must be possessed, and opportunities that must be studied. If Elmer Lovers is one person who will open a business in 2023, then read until the end to find out four profit-making business ideas.
Online Courses, anything can be done anywhere and anytime
An online course is an activity of presenting learning materials online so that there is space for interaction, discussion, and sharing of inspiring experiences. This activity is mostly carried out especially during a pandemic because it can interact without face-to-face meetings, is efficient & effective in terms of cost and time, personalized, and other benefits.
Materials that are widely used as online course material are related to language courses, Digital Marketing Bootcamp and other subjects, as well as cooking and baking. Cooking and baking courses have become one of the favorite businesses that have skyrocketed, some of which even cost around 3-5 million Rupiah. Well, Elmer Lovers can follow this trail. There is no need to pay course fees that are too expensive, for example, 250 – 500 thousand Rupiah, for cake, bakery, and pastry ingredients that are all-time favorites or trending recipes.
Snacks, meal companion at any time
The potential for the snack business is quite large because Indonesians are known as people who like snacking. It's no wonder that many business people are getting into this business because snacks have been a favorite meal from the past to the present. Two things need to be considered when running this business, pay attention to the quality and uniqueness of the product so that consumers are more familiar and loyal. Snack products can be sold online to expand the range of orders. Some snack ideas that can be emulated are banana chips, sticks, macaroni, meat-analogue balls, cuanki, churros, cookies, tempeh chocolate, and many more. This snack can be packaged in a simple and eye-catching pouch.
Food Truck, popular business potential
Although not yet popular, food trucks are one of the businesses that are increasingly in demand in Indonesia. Some people are familiar with food trucks as a business model originating from abroad which is usually used to sell ice cream, hot dogs, and others. The types of food and drinks that can be sold vary, ranging from grilled sausages, takoyaki, ice cream, various puddings, croffles, churros, various breads, various juices, and others. There are many types that can be explored so there are still many business opportunities that can be found. The initial capital can be said to be large, but Elmer Lovers can use the vehicle at home.
Snack Boxes and Catering
The year 2023 is one of the moments to do many activities outside and return to normal. This is because the physical restriction policy has been relaxed. Workers have started to come back to the office, students have started to meet face-to-face at school, and every family can enjoy moments of togetherness in the family home or tourist attractions. In addition, events have begun to be held again by inviting more people.
Don't pass up this moment, there are opportunities to prepare food and drinks for each of these activities! Therefore, the catering and snack box business is one of the most promising profit-making business opportunities in 2023. For Elmer Lovers who enjoy cooking and baking, this business idea is worth trying because there have been many examples of catering businesses starting businesses with a capital of around 3 million Rupiah, but the turnover reaches hundreds of millions of Rupiah.
Whatever business you are going to be in, Elmer Lovers needs to be diligent and disciplined in running it. In addition, actively upgrading skills and look for inspiration to create the latest menus that each customer needs. So, Elmer Chocolate often shares product innovations and baking inspiration on IG @elmerchocolates and the Elmer Chocolate Official channel. Happy building a business, Elmer Lovers!