Facts about Roti Gembong, the Favorite Old School Bread for Culinary Lovers

Bakers must already know the trend of "roti gembong" (kingpin bread). In the early 2020s, the name Kingpin Bread became familiar among culinary lovers, especially in the Yogyakarta area because of its texture, taste, and right price.
It turns out that there are some interesting facts about kingpin bread. First, kingpin bread is old school bread that was originally popular in Kutai! For the people of Kutai, kingpin bread is a typical food that is commonly consumed.
Although there are sources that say, kingpin gembong is only a snack for the nobles and the Kutai royal family. Currently, kingpin bread can be enjoyed by many people. Second, the name of kingpin bread arises from the bread dough that bloats after baking. Although the bread looks bloated, the bread dough is actually only the size of an egg. The dough is arranged, then expands and looks big.