Blueberry Mousse Cake

Welcoming 2025 with the allure of irresistible purple delicacies!
Color trends are among the captivating aspects that draw attention, particularly in the culinary field. One of the hues predicted to dominate is "purple basil," symbolizing creativity and imagination. Therefore, Elmer Chocolate presents a cake creation for inspiration in business ventures for 2025, centered around this color trend.
Chocolate Sponge Cake
Ingredients A
110 gr Granulated Sugar
15 gr Bakerline SP Maxi 68 Cake Emulsifier
3 Whole Eggs
3 Egg Yolks
Ingredients B
110 gr Medium-Protein Flour
15 gr Cornstarch
15 gr Milk Powder
Ingredients C
140 gr Avena Margarine
40 gr Elmer Af. Red 20-24% Cocoa Powder
- Melt ingredient C and set aside.
- Mix ingredients A and B until thick and foamy, then add ingredient C. Stir until well combined.
- Pour into a round cake pan with a diameter of 20 x 7 cm and bake at 170 degrees Celsius for approximately 35 minutes.
- Once baked, cool the sponge cake and slice it into 3 layers.
Blueberry Mousse
Ingredients A
200 gr Fresh Dairy Cream
Ingredients B
100 gr Bakerline Violetta Excellent Blueberry
Ingredients C
20 gr Ice Water
5 gr Gelatin
- Soak ingredient C and set aside until it expands. Melt using a bain-marie method.
- Whip ingredient A until it reaches 40% volume, then add ingredient B. Mix again until combined, then add the gelatin and mix until homogeneous.
- Pour into round molds with diameters of 10/15/18 cm (adjust as necessary).
Chocolate Cream
200 gr Non-Dairy Fresh Cream
80 gr Elmer Dip Glaze Dark
- Whip the fresh cream until it reaches soft peaks, then add Elmer Dip Glaze Dark.
- Whip the mixture until well combined.
Blueberry Cream
200 gr Non-Dairy Fresh Cream
150 gr Bakerline Violetta Excellent Blueberry
- Whip the fresh cream until it reaches soft peaks, add the blueberry jam, and mix until well combined.
White Chocolate Coating
100 gr Elmer Compound White Classic
100 gr Non-Dairy Fresh Cream
2 gr White Food Coloring
- Melt Elmer Compound White Classic, then add warm fresh cream and the white food coloring. Stir until fully combined and melted.
- Place the sponge cake layer, then add blueberry mousse in the center of the cake.
- Pipe chocolate cream around the blueberry mousse until the layer is covered. Repeat for the subsequent layers.
- Cover the entire sides and surface of the cake with blueberry jam, and chill in the freezer for approximately 1 to 2 hours.
- Pour the white chocolate coating over the surface of the cake, then decorate as desired.
This Blueberry Mousse Cake not only tantalizes with its visuals but also offers a delightful combination of flavors. The fusion of chocolate sponge cake with blueberry mousse, chocolate cream, blueberry cream, and white chocolate coating provides an enjoyable dining experience. This creation can be utilized to align with the color trends of 2025, making it a contemporary business idea that captures customer attention.